
Plastics Machining Services

4 Axis Milled Plastic Part used in the Optics Industry

4 Axis milled plastic part used in the Optics Industry

Portland Precision Manufacturing Company provides precision CNC machining services for a broad array of standard plastics, as well as many advanced and exotic plastics that other companies won’t touch. Our precision machining capabilities enable us to create nearly any part or component, from the simplest to the most intricate, at tolerances within ± 0.005” or tighter.

Plastics Machining Capabilities

Plastics we work with include:

Our plastics machining capabilities are augmented by our in-house annealing oven, which helps maintain the stability of the materials. Greater stability enables us to achieve greater precision in machining, giving us a unique advantage that few other plastics machining companies can boast.

From Torlon and Teflon machining to PEEK, Ultem, and beyond, Portland Precision Manufacturing is your leading resource for precision CNC plastics machining.

Contact Portland Precision

Contact us today to get us started on your next project.

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4 Axis Milled Plastic Part used in the Optics Industry Portland Precision Machining Equipment Quality Control

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